Over recent years many companies have started to look at transforming the way their employees stay healthy, happy and productive at work. Companies with consistently thriving workers are positive, engaging places to work and employees who are supported in the workplace are more likely to be productive and satisfied in their roles.

One way companies are doing this is by implementing "Wellness" Programs.

wellness program

What is a wellness program?

The basic definition is a program of events or activities that helps employees to be healthy, happy and more engaged with their job, work colleges and ultimately their family and friends.

Wellness program ideas can range from small things such as providing healthy snacks in the break room, flu shots, right through to large ideas such as flexible working hours, health programs, and employee assistance programs.

Can I afford a wellness program?

There are plenty of ways you can encourage wellbeing in the workplace, and it doesn't have to be expensive. You can either choose to work with a company that implements programs on your behalf or you can start your own program. Either way, the cost will never outweigh the benefits.

What are the benefits of a wellness program?

Besides the obvious benefits of a happier, healthier workforce, wellness programs also provide benefits to the company that can clearly affect and improve your bottom line. Research has found that for every dollar spent on improving wellbeing in workplaces there is, on average, a $2.30 positive return on their investment.

Workplaces that invest in employee wellbeing and have happy and engaged workers experience, on average 70% fewer safety incidents, and employees are more productive and satisfied in their roles.

Wellness programs have been shown to:

  • Curb absenteeism
  • Build strong relationships
  • Improve engagement levels
  • Increase productivity
  • Increase employee retention and reduce turnover
  • Save money and increase revenue
  • Increase customer base and shareholder returns

Interested in starting your own wellness program? Here are a few of our favourite simpler ideas to get you started:

  • Keep your employees moving by organising a walking or running group. Stretch your legs and get some fresh air before work, at lunchtime or, after work.
  • Provide the office/lunchroom with free healthy snacks that boost energy and improve mood.
  • Create an office playlist with suggestions for all employees. Music helps lift moods and creates a relaxed atmosphere.
  • Create a de-stress zone for staff to take mini breaks during the day.
  • Add a "wellness wall" where employees can share health tips, recipes, motivational quotes and praise for other staff.
  • Add some plants to your office or lunchroom. Many officers and work areas are filled with stuffy, recycled air that can make employees feel sluggish. Make it a healthier place by adding plenty of oxygen-producing plants.
  • Invite a guest speaker to talk to employees - topics could be mental health, how to deal with stress, substance abuse, conflict management.


The Wellness Lab 2018 Workplace Survey: The State of Well being in Australian Workplaces

The Workplace Wellness Festival